43rd ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (ACM CHI 2025)CoCreatAR: Enhancing Authoring of Outdoor Augmented Reality Experiences Through Asymmetric Collaboration
37th ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (ACM UIST 2024)SpaceBlender: Creating Context-Rich Collaborative Spaces Through Generative 3D Scene Blending
37th ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (ACM UIST 2024)BlendScape: Enabling End-User Customization of Video-Conferencing Environments Through Generative AI
31st IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (IEEE VR 2024)StreamSpace: A Framework for Window Streaming in Collaborative Mixed Reality Environments
28th International ACM Conference on 3D Web Technology (ACM Web3D 2023)Extending the Open-Source Social Virtual Reality Ecosystem to the Browser in Ubiq
22nd IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct (IEEE ISMAR-Adjunct 2023)Reviving the Euston Arch: A Mixed Reality Approach to Cultural Heritage Tours
OAT: 2nd Workshop on Open Access Tools and Libraries for Virtual Reality (IEEE VR 2023)Ubiq-Genie: Leveraging External Frameworks for Enhanced Social VR Experiences
ReDigiTS: 2nd Workshop on 3D Reconstruction, Digital Twinning, and Simulation for Virtual Experiences (IEEE VR 2023)Towards Outdoor Collaborative Mixed Reality: Lessons Learnt from a Prototype System
IEEE VR 2023 Doctoral ConsortiumTowards Understanding, Alleviating, and Exploiting the Effects of Asymmetry in Collaborative Mixed Reality
28th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (ACM VRST 2022)Exploring User Behaviour in Asymmetric Collaborative Mixed Reality
Frontiers in Virtual RealityUbiq-Exp: a Toolkit to Build and Run Remote and Distributed Mixed Reality Experiments
SHS: 1st Workshop on Superhuman Sports (IEEE VR 2019)Star Tag: a Superhuman Sport to Promote Physical Activity